For most entrepreneurs and small business owners, confidence is THE deciding factor.

Confidence allows you to make big decisions.

Confidence allows you to play a bigger game and worry less about what others may think of you.

Results and higher levels of success are a natural extension of confidence.

Therefore, the more confidence you gain from early successes, the more likely you are to keep pushing to higher levels of success, which is likely outside of your comfort zone.

Confidence allows you to get comfortable with failure (things that did not go according to plan!) because deep down you know that failure is just part of the deal.

The only people who do not fail do not do anything.

Look, no matter what you sell, your customers buy two things: hope and certainty.

It is impossible to project hope and certainty if you lack confidence in yourself and the products or services you provide.

Not believing in what you do and that it truly matters, can erode your confidence and short-circuit your goals.

It can be a real deal-killer.

As an entrepreneur, the REAL MAGIC in business happens when YOU BUY INTO IT!

When you truly accept that your gifts, skills, talents, and passion for serving others are REAL, and not simply “marketing” spin, that is the moment when the “confidence” spark ignites real growth and higher levels of success.

Five quick tips to help build your confidence.

  1. Give up trying to be perfect. It simply is not possible. Do your best work and move on.
  2. (I entitled my 6th book, DECIDE: The Ultimate Success Trigger, for a hard-earned reason). For heaven’s sake, stop deliberating everything to death. DECIDE, yes or no, but not maybe. DECIDE and move on.
  3. Embrace your authentic self, flaws and all! People waste too much time comparing themselves to others, or trying to be something they’re not. When you are your true authentic self, two wonderful things will happen. First, you will attract the exact people you are meant to do business with, and secondly, you will repel those you are not meant to do business with. Be more than okay with that. As a matter of fact, celebrate it!
  4. Do what you fear. The longer your fear lives in your head, the worse it gets. For me, I had a lifelong fear of public speaking. When I finally kicked that demon to the curb, I not only did okay at the lectern I became a damn good speaker and I really enjoy it! And as a bonus, learning to be a great platform speaker has made my dream lifestyle possible.
  5. Define success on your own terms. Not everyone is made to be a gazillionaire and not everyone is made to cure cancer or solve world hunger. Figure out what your Dream Lifestyle looks like– with specificity – and build a business that generates the income to make that a reality.

Early on in my entrepreneurial journey, I had goals that I thought were the norm, or what was expected of me as a business owner.

When I got clear on what I wanted my Dream Lifestyle to look like, live debt free and able to work only 3 days a week, I made it happen in a few short years.

Goals such as “work less and make more” are not specific enough!

I’m not sure who needed to hear this today, but I felt led to share it right now!

Perhaps it helped you, and perhaps there’s someone you know who needs to hear it right now, too, so please share it with them.

If you’re ready to grow your Dream Business so you too can live your Dream Lifestyle, I’d love to help you make that happen.

Message me or connect with me at

Cap't Jim Palmer, The Dream Business Coach

Cap’t Jim Palmer, best known internationally as the Dream Business Coach, is creator of the Dream Business Mastermind and Coaching Program and host of Dream Business Radio – a weekly podcast based on Jim’s smart marketing and dream business building strategies. Claim your FREE Dream Business Transformation now!

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