When you have a presentation to make, there are a number of things that you will have to consider and in most cases take into account. These are some of the tips that you can take into account to ensure that your process is successful and that whatever it is you would like to impact on to your audience actually sticks with them.

It’s not about you

The first thing that you will have to remember is that the presentation is not about you. Many a time there is the tendency to impact your beliefs on to the audience that you are presenting to. It is important that you remember that the presentation is not about you but more about serving the audience and serving the host. This means that you have to understand what the needs of the host are and what he or she would like to pass on to the audience on that particular platform.

Dealing with butterflies

One of the things that you will have to remember is that however seasoned you are a presenter, there is always the butterflies that come with presenting to an audience. This is especially the case when the audience that you are presenting to is not one that you are used to. There are several ways of dealing with the jitteriness that comes with presenting material in front of an audience. One of the tips that works for me is to practice what you are going to present. Practicing your material builds up the confidence that your need as a presenter. This means that you can actually sit back and even without your notes go through the material with your audience. Of particular importance is the fact that you will need to practice your opening line. This first 60 seconds of presentations will determine just how well you will flow with the audience. If the opening statement captivates your audience, then you stand a better chance of being successful in your endeavor that if it does not. Focus on what you are going to open with.

Know your audience

The material that you choose to open with will often be determined by the composition of the audience. This is why as a presenter, you need to understand what your audience needs and wants as well as the intentions of your host. If your audience is comprises teenagers  then you may look into more captivating opening statements that are more in line with current trends. This may be a far cry from the opening statement that you will use in a room full of older and mature men looking to gather tips on how to improve their businesses from you.

In my experience, once you know what you are going to say in the first 60 seconds then you can easily move from there and present the material that you have. Knowing your audience also makes it easier when choosing the examples to use in your presentation.