Dr. Merick Abrajano owns Southland Pain Relief Center in Torrance, California and he is rapidly growing his list of fans, also known as patients!

Dr. Merick became a VIP Coaching Client and member of the Dream Business Mastermind about a year ago.

While Dr. Merick’s practice is well established, his goal, and our work together, is to make more people aware of his special spinal decompression program.

This is a non-surgical way to bring great relief to people who suffer pain.

My team and I at Success Advantage Publishing are helping Merick publish a book called, Pain Free Living.

In addition, we helped him create a monthly newsletter where he shares information with his patients, including monthly success stories of patients who are now living pain free.

One patient, Don, had suffered from low back pain for 12 years.

Don tried therapy, Acupuncture, electric stim, stretching, and exercise.

When none of that helped, surgery was suggested.

Instead, Don went to Dr. Merick and signed up for his Spinal Decompression Program.

Today, Don is pain free.

Working with client like Dr. Merick is what makes my job so enjoyable.

Creating brands and marketing campaigns to bring together more customers (or patients, in this case) and great service providers.

At the Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program, there’s literally no business that we cannot help make better, more profitable, or create multiple streams of revenue.

Are you ready to become my next success story?

To Your Success,
